Saturday, January 23, 2010


Today we are having a bit of 'weather.' It is smoggy, foggy, dull and dismal but I'm not going to complain (much) because last year at this time my two cats and I were preparing for the impact of a winter storm. It arrived: 'The infamous ice storm of 2009' left a huge swath of people in five states trapped and without electricity. Being more fortunate than some, I survived with no heat in my house; at least I had a house - and water - and food. So, this nasty day is not worth complaining about! My computer is up and runnning. I am in contact with the world. I'm going to research lighthouses.

My focus began with Captain Walter C. Dibrell (1875-c.1973), a cousin, and superintendant in charge of U. S. Lighthouse Service 16th District, Alaska c.1900-c.1930. Then I switched from looking at the lighthouses he tended in the Pacific to lighthouses located in the Atlantic - switching from Dibrell to Anthony Thacher, another cousin, for whom a little island off the coast of Massachusetts was named Thatcher Island. My family knows it as 'Thatcher's Woe' since it was so named because Anthony Thatcher survived a disastrous shipwreck there in 1635. We only know this because he wrote about it in a letter to Peter Thacher, his uncle and a prominent man of the Church of England.

Today held more possibilities than expected: I learn something new about lighthouses; I became reacquainted with a couple cousins I hadn't thought about for months; I remembered to be grateful for surviving a major storm; and, I figured out how to add a new post to this blogsite--PTAH DAA. Nancy y Te

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